USCA Officials


Col. William H. Tempero, OKARNG

Vice President
Craig McVay


Karen Tempero

Office Manager/Treasurer

Tina Coleman

Board of Directors

Col. W. Glenn Yarborough, USA, Retired

Vice Chairman
Gary Baumwart

Board Members

Lindsay D. Baird, Esq.
Mr. Alan D. Ginos
Mr. Craig McVay
LTC Jeffrey M. Hicks, USA, Retired

SGT John Brownrigg, USA, Retired

Col. William H. Tempero, OKARNG

Col. W. Glenn Yarborough, USA, Retired
Capt. Jeffrey S. Wall, USMC, Retired
Mr. Christopher Bolte’
Col. Robert Q. Ake, USA Retired

Mr. Gary Baumwart

Former Chairmen of the Board

Colonel James R. Spurrier, USA, Retired 1976 -1978
General James H. Polk, USA, Retired 1978 -1992
General Michael S. Davison USA, Retired 1992 – 1994
General Donn A. Starry, USA, Retired 1995 – 2003
Brig. Gen. Philip L. Bolté, USA, Retired 2004 – 2018
Col. William H. Tempero, OKARNG, 2018 – 2019

Honorary Board of Directors

President Ronald Reagan

Mr. Robert O. Anderson
Senator Nancy Kassebaum Baker

MG Jonathan R. Burton, USA, Retired
Senator Robert Dole
Ms. Dielle Fleischmann

Mr. Sherman P. Haight, Jr.

Mr. Benjamin H. Hardaway, MFH
Ambassador Glen A. Holden
Mr. Edward G. Longacre
Mr. Hugh O’Brian
Mr. William C. Steinkraus
Mr. Robert M. Utley

The Cavalry Journal & Crossed Sabers Newsletter Editorial Staff


Col. Samuel R. Young, USA Ret.

Assistant Editor
Karen Tempero

Copy Editor
LTC Gary Polsinelli, USA Ret.

U.S. Cavalry Memorial Research Library


Col. Samuel R. Young, USA Ret.

Pam Bell, M.A., C.A.